Two of the biggest fiestas in the world are hurling, coming right at us in under just a month now! Of course I’m hell excited for the FIFA World Cup in Brazil, and ‘being excited’ is a mere understatement to what E3 2014 means to me. The 2013 E3 saw the grand showdown of two of the leading giants going head to head with their current gen consoles, SCE’s Playstation 4 and Microsoft’s Xbox One. Fanboys jostled with each other literally everywhere, including here at iLLGaming. The call for full HD, exclusive extravaganza and other fanboyism nullified each other’s statements with the release of these two iconic consoles that are equally beating records on a daily basis. And if you compare yesteryear’s E3 to what is to come this year, I’d say it was just the beginning. 2013 demo’d the advent of new gameplay mechanics, 2014’s E3 is going to show us how exactly, with brand new titles and cult franchises making a Next Gen return to what is now undoubtedly the biggest entertainment industry in the world.
Without wasting a single second, let’s pump you up for what is to come on June 10th 2014, with our ‘6 Pictures to Get You Excited for E3 2014’!
Dishonored 2
Corvo is iconic, Dunwall is legendary, and those who have seen the good and bad days at Dunwall, are the extremist Dishonored fanboys like myself. There is no stealth mechanics that stand at par with that of Bethesda and Arkane’s Dishonored, that game literally taught me how to kill in real, if I was ever blessed with the powers of the Outsider. In my opinion all it needs, despite the brimming and gleam environment of Dunwall, is a little Next Gen injection. Dishonored came back and haunted me while I was playing Bioshock: Infinite and the revamped Thief, and I immediately knew that my heart was beating for more of that crazy, Dunwall storyline. I’m excited that this E3 might show off some of the new Dishonored stuff.
It’s been some time since I’ve got my hands on new Dishonored content. The Dishonored DLC ‘The Brigmore Witches’ raised my hopes surrounding the fate of the Dishonored IP, will it be a one-off, will it become a franchise? The DLCs were definitely trying to draw a thread between the world’s various islands, connecting them back with the idea of the Outsider. And the last quote from the Dishonored team was about congratulating the fans for being there as they were trying to introduce a new franchise to them. Hints, hints everywhere. Until this picture was leaked just before the whole hype about E3 2014 began. We searched for Tyvia related trivia and found out that it is a frigid land with full of surprises, now that’s one place you cannot blink out with ease!

Uncharted for PS4
If there’s anything that decided for me that PS4 was my way, it was the announcement of the new Uncharted game exclusively built for the next gen Sony console. Nate Drake’s theatrics and the whole drama-action concoction of Uncharted is what other AAA titles covet. Not to forget the sorry, so-called master race still denied of this franchise’s swag. From the teaser trailer of Uncharted Next Gen, I can easily make out that maybe, maybe this game will replace Nate with one of his ancestors. But I hope this theory is wrong, because there can be no Uncharted without Nate Drake.
There are a lot of speculations about the title, thanks to the Uncharted fans, as I have mine as well. As the narrative in the teaser tells you, it’s about the revisitation of the past, maybe Sir Francis Drake double timed somebody, leaving him on a wrecked ship, while he saved the gold for himself. The reason why I feel that the hero will be completely new, maybe one of Nate’s ancestors (taking the Desmond Miles spin). The trailer concludes by setting the whole thing about wreckages and vengeance, and my heart tells me that the next Uncharted will feature more seas and islands. We have already seen how beautiful islands and seas can look in video games, with the latest Tomb Raider reboot and the high flying Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag. And with the addition of the Assassin’s Creed Art Lead at Naughty Dog, this speculation can well turn out to be true. Until then, dream of ancients and forts till E3 2014.

Star Wars Battlefront
Amongst all those six titles to be revealed at the Electronic Arts Conference at E3, rest assured there will be a truly next gen FIFA and a Need For Speed Rehash for the running gas. Amongst the mainstream, piercing right through it will be DICE’s next – a spectacular Star Wars Shooter game that was so very long due. Lay all your Titanfalls and Pacific Rim’s to rest, a Star Wars multiplayer lobby will be heaven for us, nerds. Choose sides, choose races, choose character loadouts, choose light sabers, choose the Dark Side, there is so much commotion going on in my head.
I personally loved the original Battlefront because of its expansive maps and the various ways I could combat the forces. But that was 10 years ago, this time, like everything, has gone Next Gen. With the most up to date Frostbite engine developing a truly immersive Star Wars shooter game around it, even I would have to agree, Believe the Hype. Watch out for the EA Conference at E3 to be the first one to drop that jaw!

The Arkham Finale: Arkham Knight
Rocksteady is back on board the Arkham series, and if you are still in love with Arkham: Orgins, I will be pretty assertive when I say this: It was just a decoy. Rocksteady wants to go ahead, rather than go back, with the Dark Knight story, and by the looks of it, it is borrowing a lot of inspiration from Batman: Knightfall. Rocksteady gave us the caped crusader’s most intuitive background till date, a hopeless world of Arkham City and the buttery smooth combat mechanics that made Batman: Arkham series a prized franchise. And with Arkham Knight, they are ready to release the Kraken, Batman’s Pitch Black Warhorse – the Batmobile.
There are reasons plenty why you should get all crazy with the upcoming Next Gen Batman game, but one of the key reasons why you should look ahead at the Rocksteady event this E3 is to find out who is behind the metallic Batman-looking antagonist. If you know your Knightfall series well, you may say it is Azrael. Look deeper and you might find a Return of the Joker from the Lazarus Pit of Arkham City. Well, my mind is flipping right and left now with these questions, what’s important is, that we should get a real glimpse of this superhyped title – Arkham Knight.

Far Cry 4
We all love insanity, because beauty’s in doing the same epic sh*t over and over and over again. But last night, there’s been an overflow of insanity, as Ubisoft and team Far Cry officially unveiled the first artwork for the most anticipated Ubisoft title of the year – Far Cry 4. Their disclaimer simply stated, new enemies, new heroes, and new location. As a huge fan of Uncharted 2: Among Thieves and as an Indian, my mind simply cannot be contained at the moment, knowing that Far Cry 4 is hitting the Himalayas.
Imagine the kind of animals that you will encounter as the protagonist – snow leopards, yaks, wolves and by the standards of Far Cry, definitely some Yetis. Himalayas aren’t an easy terrain to control, as many hills and mountains complete a strip of land. Of course there are landslides, bad weather and road accidents. In fact, it was only last week tha I met with a Himalayan road accident, while riding downwards. The antagonist of the new Far Cry has been teased, and he looks like a kinglier version of Vaas Montenegro, only time will tell how mad he is. But for now, I’d settle for anything related to Far Cry 4 at E3, a video teaser, a gameplay video or even a thunderous trailer!

Project Beast
Some say they saw a Blunderbuss, while others are screaming at the fact that the in-game snippets feature a similar combat style to the Souls franchise, whatever it is, it is surely the biggest news to be at this E3. Project Beast is perhaps a new franchise from FROM Software, who were recently bought over following their success with Dark Souls II. It was supposed to be revealed at the Jap Games Com, but somehow I feel that it can turn out to be a Playstation exclusive just like Demon Souls, and will get its spotlight in this E3. The word Beast last appeared in FROM’s Demon Souls and the hardcore fans have already concluded Project Beast as the official return of the Sony forsaken legend – Demon Souls, the game that laid foundation for the current gen hardcore hit Dark Souls. And to be fair honest, lasting in Demon Souls takes exactly the double of resisting death in Dark Souls. FYI, when FROM introduced Dark Souls, they chose a similar game for the BETA stage – Project Dark. So are you ready for all those innumerable deaths in Project Beast aka probable-Demon Souls 2? Even with a Shotgun?
Check out the fog wall and just dream about what Next Gen can bring to a game of Demon Souls’ ambitions. With The Lords of Fallen and Dragon Age: Inquisition already showing signs of Next Gen fantasy games, it will be up to FROM to lay the foundation stone for the genre again, whether it’s Demon Souls 2, or something completely new.

So these are the six images that are keeping me excited for E3 2014, what are the ones that are kicking your brains? E3 is just 28 days away, let the heat take over each one of us.
How the hell can one miss Halo 5, Quantum Break and Sunset Overdrive
halo 5 has already been revealed, as has sunset overdrive. hell, sunset overdrive even has plenty of gameplay footage.
cudnt agree with you more… p.s quantum break also has some gameplay and 1080 sccreens
Beats me :/
Halo 5 was teased yesternight, while this list was compiled under the Far Cry 4 poster reveal hysteria :P
Other titles didn’t strike me as a solid reveal material.
You a PS fan
Your list is insignificant if you don’t have Halo 5 or Sunset Overdrive.
halo suck
Dishonored didn’t function as a stealth game, those of us with brains don’t care. FarCry is being made by incompetent people, no excitement here. Uncharted will unlikely be at E3, at least nothing of value. Project Beast seems to be just starting up. Battlefront is going to be rushed, we all know it, so the game is generating zero excitement with intelligent folk. Arkham Knight, looks interesting. We should be getting gameplay, but if anything is getting me excited for E3 it’s everything that we don’t know about. New IP’s, Bethesda games, some in depth Witcher gameplay. You know, the good stuff, not the mediocre stuff.