
EA is going all gung-ho with the announcement of all its premium titles coming soon, another one in that list is Need for Speed Rivals. The game was announced sometime back, and today at their live E3 conference we got to see the features and the gameplay.

We already know that the NFS Rivals is all about cops vs racers, and the new All-Drive mode brings a single-player in online real time multiplayer mode without any different access. Today EA showed us how and another one of the interesting feature was Smartglass integration.

During the demo, two gamers were pitched against each other without actually logging in an event. A racer starts his normal race and the other player playing a cop effortlessly comes into play amongst a group of police cruisers. At this point another special feature was shown by a third player using an iPad and Microsoft’s Smartglass app, who assists the cop by seeing a top-down view of the chase, dropping traps and calling a chopper too. Everything was happening in real-time in the All Drive mode. This is simply one of a kind racing and EA is thrusting it up to the next level.

There was also a small inside look in the making of the new movie coming out in 2014, Need for Speed, hosted by the lead actor Aaron Paul, with his customized Ford Mustang in the background.

Need for Speed Rivals will be available on Xbox One and 360, PS3 and 4, and PC starting 19.11.2013, with an option of pre-order with  special cop-pack already available.

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