We’ve just got word that UBM, the company behind the Games Developer Conference (GDC), is launching the Indian equivalent with the India Game Developers Conclave (IGDCon), which will be on August 7 and 8, 2013 in Bangalore. It’s not called GDC India, presumably to avoid confusion with NASSCOM’s gala event that shares the same name.
While this bodes well for the industry, what’s odd is that UBM may not have done their ground work when it came to getting their conference chair, Badri Narayan, on board. Old-timers remember him as the editor of SKOAR! magazine, one of the few gaming magazines in the country. Not so old-timers know him for delivering full versions of games like Quake 2 and Max Payne complete with the requisite cracks and keygens on discs that accompanied each copy of them. Though the magazine has cleaned up its act, relaunched, and is now a supplement within Digit, we wish that UBM did their research before hiring someone who thought it was cool to obtain content illegally and even cooler to distribute it monthly.
Sources: PR Newswire, IndianVideoGamer Forums