iLLGamer Tathagata Ray has been bringing you daily accounts of his adventures in the Himalayan kingdom of Kyrat in Far Cry 4. However he has gone missing after being caught in an avalanche on Day 4. And so we are sending iLLGamer Chirantan Raut on a search and rescue mission to Kyrat. This is his diary.
You can read Tathagata’s chronicles from the following links.
Read Day 1 Chronicle:
Read Day 2 Chronicle:
Read Day 3 Chronicle:
Read Day 4 Chronicle:
Day 5: Another Journey Begins
I take the bus to Kyrat as Tathagata (or Tath/TRay/Ray Man/T) before me hoping to locate him in that wild, unpredictable country. All I’ve been handed are a map of Kyrat, Tathagata’s emails (About time diaries went digital) and a poor quality photograph of my missing colleague. Looks like it’s time for another iLLvestigation.

Finally the bus reaches the Kyrat Border and to my surprise the King of Kyrat, Pagan Min himself comes to welcome me. Must say the welcoming customs are rather odd in this country and feel quite a lot like an abduction. But then, you don’t get served Crab Rangoon after every such ‘welcome’. My rather rude co-passenger interrupted our meal before I got a chance to ask my host about Tathagata. After all, wouldn’t the king be best placed to help me in a rescue mission like this?
Pagan bade me to wait for his return and I obliged. On returning a good quarter of an hour later, he flew me to Lakshmana to scatter some ashes. And then he left. Damn it, looks like being nice won’t get you far in Kyrat. So we returned to the Crab Rangoon and this time I decided to investigate the place on my own. Found a few interesting letters suggesting that someone in the US was going to die a rather painful death, but no trace of Tathagata. And then I chanced upon a room that showed me just how tyrannical my hosts were. And I got a nice excuse in the form of this rebel dude named Sabal whom Tathagata had mentioned meeting. Finally I was getting somewhere.
After a wild car ride with an incompetent driver that ended up with a crash in a valley, I found myself on my own with a walkie talkie for company. Don’t they have phones in Kyrat, what is this, 1942? Pagan contacted me soon enough and so did Sabal. But neither said much except to return to them. Pagan’s guards were nicely asking me to surrender promising not to harm me. But they opened fire as soon as they spotted me. So much for trust. Guess they will learn that in the afterlife (or maybe not as I learnt later).
Making my way towards Sabal, I finally reached the tower he had indicated. And there I was ambushed by Pagan’s soldiers, escalating my hostility towards that maniac. And for the record, I don’t like crab. An avalanche literally blew away these thoughts and curiously I found myself buried under the snow even though I had climbed halfway up the tower for a better vantage point to shoot at the Red team (Pagan’s goons). Sabal found me and took me to Banapur, a place my colleague had visited days before.

Following the trail and going off it
A terse welcome greeted me at Banapur and before I got the chance to ask around for the Ray Man, I found myself being put to work as an errand boy. What else is one to do to earn their keep after your welcoming committee relieves you of most of your possessions? Seems I need to join the Golden Path if I’m to have any hope of finding Tath. And that idiot Pagan is hell bent on being extremely hostile by sending some fools to attack Banapur and every other outpost I liberate.
Liberating outposts seems rather fun, especially when one can toy around with the poor sod guarding it with a bow shot here, a takedown there, a snipe from the bushes or luring a ferocious beast with bait. And then there are those damned Radio towers that I must shut down to replace the airwaves from one crappy radio station to another. Seems Radio operators in Kyrat have no clue how to run a channel, the morons keep droning on with the same garbage while the song is playing, totally ruining the song.

Curiously, all the vehicles in Kyrat are left hand drive, which is odd (and gives me another reason to dislike Pagan) when all its neighbouring countries have the right hand drive system. The local drivers seem to have been taught by monkeys and I’m lucky to be still alive with the amount of road accidents I’ve had. On the bright side, I can commandeer any vehicle I please (Unless it’s one of Pagan’s; those require some shooting to vacate) and I’ve got a handy repair tool to fix any dents. Maybe that’s why nobody rages after a road accident. That or the fact that the roads don’t have any lanes painted on them so it’s a free-for-all, even the wild animals.
Pardon me going off on that tangent, I’ll resume my hunt for TRay. I’m told to visit a certain Longinus to get more info on my missing colleague. Turns out he’s a crazed former warlord turned preacher who loves his guns and loves getting extremely close to you. He sends me on what turns out to be a wild goose chase in the Himalayas. And there I was thinking, the snow-capped peaks would be the scene of the avalanche that T’s last diary finished on. (Must salute his journalistic dedication for mailing the diary instead of trying to save himself from that cascading wall of snow). Some silly conflict diamonds matter not to me, but Longinus promised better guns for them, so it’s something to look forward to.

A crazed American named Hurk greeted me as if we were long lost friends and all my questions about Tath were answered with talk of some monkey statues this dude was bananas over. (Ok, that’s an overdone jest). That annoying dude on the freed airwaves, Rabi Ray Rana also wanted to meet me. Rabi Ray, Tathagata Ray, hmm, could be related. But alas, another dead end and a bunch of errands to run. There was an interesting business proposal from a washed over actress of yesteryear named Salsa Sharma. I could be a movie star in Kyrati films if I took part in some extreme sports. And my passion for racing overwhelmed my urgency to find the Ray Man. Sorry T, but hoes before bros is the rule in Kyrat, as you yourself told me.
With a few races done, I got the opportunity to ride an elephant. And that was certainly the highlight of my time in Kyrat. I do feel sorry for killing it when I accidentally made it jump off a small hill. But that was after I cleared Paul ‘De Pleur’ Harmon’s fortress of Varshakot and captured it for the Golden Path. Tathagata taking care of him some days earlier might have helped, though it seems Puggun (as Rabi Ray calls him) had rescued him and I had to recapture a half mad fool who just couldn’t get himself to answer his daughter’s call. Another lead gone, I made my way to the Shanath Arena, which I had been studying earlier with this helpful app on my phone. The arena gave me a clue to where T might have kept his things, but it seems the lady he fell in love with was replaced by another, and I had to oblige her and fight my way out.

The clue pointed me to the old Ghale Homestead, but I decided I had had enough of being an animal lover in Kyrat by then. The animals here are so vicious that they seem to want to attack all humans on sight. PETA would probably hate me for all the creatures I’ve killed and skinned, but as Rabi Ray told me, the animals in Kyrat are reincarnations of all the Kyrati people that have died and they’re all f***ing a******s. I’m guessing they’re all those gun toting fools in Puggun’s employ that I had eliminated during my journey. Except for the elephants, those lovelies are my allies. My hunting skills did get me offers from the Kyrat Fashion Week but I didn’t find the time for it.
I ended my day finally reaching the Ghale homestead and set about penning my adventures of the day for this diary. Hold on Tathagata, I am coming for you, even if I have to overthrow the fool that runs this God-forsaken country.
Read the conclusion of the diaries on Day 6: