At the VGA Awards 2012, Square Enix showed a teaser trailer of their upcoming Tomb Raider game, the latest in the long-running franchise. You can check out the video below to see what the fuss is all about.
We dissect what we make of this video. First and foremost, let’s get it out of the way that Tomb Raider 2013 is not a sequel to any of the previous Tomb Raider games. And by that, we mean there is no correlation whatsoever between Tomb Raider 2013 and any of the gazillion Tomb Raider games that have come out since 1996. Tomb Raider 2013 is more like a refresher for the series; it’s the story of a young, vulnerable, curious girl and the events that made her into the hard-headed, voluptuous, hardened survivor she is so famously known for now. Tomb Raider 2013 will offer an insight into the origins of the exalted and influential Lara Croft and what made her what she is.
If you look closely at the whole Lara Croft personality in the video, you’ll notice her schoolgirlish innocence, a “damsel in distress waiting for a prince charming”-ish look. Even her body is nowhere near as toned, muscular, physical, and obviously voluptuous as what the original Lara Croft is known for. One gets the feeling that Crystal Dynamics, the developer behind Tomb Raider 2013, is using the plot only as a disguise to actually feed men’s fetish for anorexic, dark, young females with daddy issues. Who knows, although I’m pretty sure I’m correct on this. It’s a freaky freaky world, where men only live on the pretenses that the products around them allow them to think. Anyway, let’s keep this philosophical discussion for some other time, since I’d never stop unless prompted to.
Another thing we’ve noticed considerably is how Lara Croft’s breast size has reduced as the years have gone by. Here is a picture of Lara Croft from the 1990s.
I love your blog, I’ll keep reading if you keep posting; good job!
LOL sounds like you’re just pissed off she has smaller boobs.