Becoming a professional gamer and making money playing video games is no longer a pipe dream. Thanks to the recent growth of esports and projections for the trend to continue for many years, more and more people are thinking about a career in the industry.

Of course, there are jobs other than an esports player, but it is usually the ultimate goal. For someone who loves video games, hardly a better proposition exists as far as employment goes, right? After all, they say that finding a job you love means not having to work.

Having said all that, the idea of turning into a professional gamer is not that simple. If anything, most people end up getting disappointed because they fail to meet the standards necessary to break through and make a name for themselves.

Nevertheless, such challenges should not be something to discourage you. Since the professional gaming industry is growing, there is still room for newcomers. The question is how to increase your odds of success. That is what this article will try to answer.

Learn From Other Players

Actually playing the game is a good way to improve, but it should not be the only method to advance. You should also pay attention to other players, and studying their gameplay is one of the best ways to do that.

Thanks to platforms like YouTube that have the point of view of players who upload content to their channels, there should be an abundance of learning material.

Some videos might be locked behind geographic restrictions or other walls, and you should get an unblocker for youtube to solve the problem.

Study Your Own Replays

Learning from your own mistakes is another great approach. Some video games have a replay system letting you check the games right after they are finished. However, if such a feature is not available for the game you are playing, then you will need to find an alternative, such as recording your gameplay and watching videos after.

Taking a step back and having the opportunity to study your moves is valuable, and you can pinpoint moments where you made a mistake and work on improving these shortcomings to improve as a player.

Create a Competitive Environment

Playing in a casual environment with friends or random people can be a lot of fun, but it is not necessarily the right approach if one wants to become a professional. 

To take things to the next level, it is crucial to find a competitive environment where you can thrive and meet players who have the same mindset. Compare playing against opponents who are not interested in trying that much because they have no aspirations to become a pro and opponents who want to be the best players there are.

Early on, you might not be able to establish yourself in a team or as a strong individual. Thus, figure out how you can move up the ladder. Perhaps there are small tournaments that you can participate in online and get noticed? Or maybe you can enter an in-house league?

Stick to a Strict Training Schedule

Treating video games as a job is a must if you want to become a professional. Looking at players who are pro, it is no surprise to hear them talk about intense training sessions, bootcamps, discussions, and other aspects of improving. 

These things make for the majority of their day, sometimes as much as 12 or 16 hours a day. The drive to dedicate so much time to video games is not for everyone, naturally. However, it is also easy to distinguish serious and half-hearted gamers by seeing how much they are willing to commit to becoming a professional.

Use Proper Gaming Equipment

The right work tools are part of the craft, and gaming is no exception. You want to have equipment that you are comfortable with. Otherwise, the struggles to play at a competitive level will become that much more intolerable. 

From a proper gaming computer and accessories to a reliable internet connection, create a setup that allows you to thrive so that you can achieve your goal easier.

Take Care of Your Body

Since being a professional gamer requires a lot of dedication to improving, it is easy to lose track of time and get into bad habits. Terrible diet, poor sleep schedule, not enough exercise, constant strain on the body and eyes sitting in front of a computer’s screen, and other health hazards can lead to your career finishing before you achieve anything notable.

As such, it is crucial to take care of your body. Try to find some time in the day for exercise, sleep enough, and make sure to eat properly.

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When not being the Editor-in-Chief at iLLGaming or a tech journalist that he is known for, Sahil indulges himself with his pug named Tony. His favorite games are Dota 2, Dark Souls, Deus Ex and DOOM. He is sucker for PC builds and dreams about benchmark numbers in his sleep.

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