It has 4000 pixels, it is ultra high definition and it is coming on PS4. Sony is all set to launch a 4K movie download service for its new console, also supporting photos but not games. As per Sony Electronics President and COO Phil Molyneux short talk with Verge at a recent Sony event, he said “I promise you will not be disappointed” on being asked about the new 4K service supporting the upcoming console.
In theory Sony is thinking about something quite awesome, but practically this should be a futuristic move when we get 100Mbps download speeds at an average house. A normal 4K resolution movie will be 100GB+, which makes it next to impossible for downloading a lot of movies considering the broadband speeds, size and downloading time. Molyneux also mentioned about compression for small files was in active progress.
But in reality, to really enjoy that 4K experience one needs to have the hardware to support it, ie a 4K monitor or a television, which again drives the investment to sooth your eyes very high. So lets hope Sony is able to commercialize the idea big time and make us happier than before.
Currently there are no stores for getting 4K content online or physically. The current Blu-ray technology supports 4K resolution, but a 128GB disc for one movie sounds like a ridiculous proposition. Along with Sony, another company RED has already launched their 4K media player RED Ray for a very very hefty amount of $1450, and has also promised downloadable content in the near future.
Source: Verge