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INTRODUCTION They say all good things in life are free, and iLLGaming has a knack for the free goodies life has to offer. Dragon Oath, a free-to-play fantasy MMORPG by Chinese developer, is finally doing its rounds in India,...
Uncharted is the reason I play PS3. Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception brings a memorable adventure that satisfies in every way, which continues where Uncharted 2: Among Thieves left off. From the opening music on the title screen to the moment...
You're roaming about the center of Riften minding your own dirty business, trying to pickpocket a diamond from an innocent law-abiding citizen, you hear a roar from the heavens, and a blast of fire gushes down at you and...
My Radiohead experience started when I first heard their third album  'Ok Computer (1997)' in 2007 and was thrilled by their theatrical sound. The same year 'In Rainbows' was released, I immediately fell in love with the album and...
You might be wondering as to why I am writing about a game that is as much as 11 years old, played and enjoyed by millions, in this day and age, when the gaming industry is far more advanced,...
NARRATIVE The Witcher wowed gamers with its groundbreaking delayed consequence system, back in 2007. Few games since, especially Fallout 3 and Fallout: New Vegas, have successfully built upon it, but The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings takes the idea of...
Valve's second installment to its critically acclaimed Portal, part of the Orange Box package, is now out, a stand-alone franchise. Portal 2's generating a whole lotta buzz all around, and we thought we'd do a summarized review of the game,...
Aloha fellow readers! We have a new contributor to this blog, his name is Subhadip, and I've asked him to write because he is an "iLLGamer" and he can really bring in some perspective. Please welcome him. Crysis 2 has...
Lately, there's been a lot of hoo-haa on the issue of FIFA 11 vs. Pro Evolution Soccer 2011. I've played both games throughout the years, and since FIFA and PES are the games we usually play multi-player. alot! So, I thought...
This event has a huge significance in my gaming life. This is not overkill. Trust me. You may ask why. MMO (Massive Multiplayer Online) games have been around quite some time. A big chunk of the gaming economy belongs to...