Far Cry 3
Far Cry 3 is an open world game based on an island, with plenty of vegetation, shadows and water bodies to render. Here are our results for tests done on Far Cry 3.The GTX 780 and the GTX 690 are almost neck-to-neck in average frame time. These are some really good numbers for the GTX 780.
The results over here say the same story told by the average frame time results. The HD 7970 is having a hard time catching up with all of Nvidia’s lineup, even the previous gen GTX 680. The 7970 is thereotically much faster than the GTX 680, but the 680 provides a smoother gaming experience, because it renders frames faster than AMD’s variant.
No surprises here, the 780 stands exactly where it should, partially behind the GTX Titan and about 30% ahead of the GTX 680. These figures match Nvidia’s official figure of the GTX 780 being 30% faster than the GTX 680. In the Crysis 3 benchmark we saw that it was a whopping 40% faster than the 680.
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Thanks for the suggestion. We are working on a guide, stay tuned! That being said, with so variety of hardware options available to the buyer, with Rs. 50,000 you can really build a beefy PC.